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Training: GHB in social care

There are many signs of problematic GHB use within social care, such as in night shelters and drop-in centres. Staff often have limited knowledge about this drug and its effects and therefore sometimes experience uncertainty. The risk of overdose is high and users’ behaviour often unpredictable and complex. This training provides practical knowledge and tools to deal with this, so that, as a care worker, you can take care of this target group with confidence.  

ghb in de opvang

The training will increase your knowledge about GHB, its use and related overdoses. As a social care worker, this training will better prepare you (or your entire team) to work with people who use GHB. Despite the taboo that often surrounds this use, you will learn interview techniques to start a conversation about GHB use. Moreover, the training provides specific guidelines for GHB-related issues that may arise within your institution. This helps you better assess what exactly is going on at your location and how to deal with it.  


  • We learn about GHB, its use, effects, reasons for use, context and dependence  
  • We take a closer look at dosing, overdose and overdose prevention  
  • We reflect on GHB issues in care, the risks, prevention and possible interventions


  • Current knowledge about GHB and the background of use  
  • Skills to apply while making contact and in case of overdose  
  • Reflection on issues surrounding GHB use at your own site  

“GHB is still very much in the taboo area. As a result, use by residents or visitors may remain under the radar. After this training, you will have a sharper eye for GHB use. You will also know better how to reduce risks and contain the spread of use at your location.”

Trainer Ferry Barendregt

With knowledge from Mainline's outreach workers

Incompany training from €850.-

1 half-day training


Would you like to request a quote for this training? Or a tailor-made learning plan? Please contact Desiree van Dok.

Experiences of

"Really a supplement to previous, more general trainings."
"Interactive, new information, interesting views and vision - you are made to think. Super fun and relaxed training."


Training: substances knowledge

Practical basic training on substances. This training is indispensable for professionals dealing with clients who use drugs.
  • Hands-on training
  • Deepen and expand your knowledge of drugs and use
More info

Training: overdose prevention

With this training, you will learn how to deal effectively with an overdose. With practical information and valuable tips.
  • Practical basic training
  • Tools to recognise and prevent overdose
More info