Crash course: chemsex
Discover the world of chemsex: which drugs are currently in demand in the scene? Where and with whom is chemsex being done? What are the effects, both positive and negative? This training offers essential insights into the why, the language used and the potential risks of sexualised drug use. Moreover, we will explore the underlying issues in chemsex and the importance of a holistic approach to problematic use.

- You will learn the basics of different drugs, combinations, settings, effects, and issues surrounding chemsex in a half-day session.
- Optional: You will gain insight into the perspective of an expert with lived experience.
- You will gain basic knowledge about chemsex: its uses, culture, added value and risks
- You understand the complex underlying issues that often underlie problematic chemsex
- You have tools to engage in unbiased conversation about chemsex

“In this training, I want to bring professionals up to speed around chemsex. The phenomenon of chemsex is growing and it is important to be able to provide adequate help. What is it all about when we talk about chemsex? This training offers practical tools to enter the conversation with the right knowledge and without judgement.”
Trainer Leon Knoops
Practical base training
Optional with experienced expert
Incompany training from €950,-
1 half-day trainings
Would you like to request a quote for this training? Or a tailor-made learning plan? Please contact Leon Knoops.