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The Psychedelic journey

Embarking on a psychedelic journey is like setting sail into uncharted waters. It’s a deeply personal experience that can lead to profound insights and growth. But just like any journey, preparation is key.  


Before diving in, take some time to reflect on why you’re choosing to explore psychedelics. What are your intentions? What do you hope to gain from this experience? Write down your thoughts to keep them clear in your mind. 

Creating a safe and comfortable environment is crucial. Choose a space where you feel at ease, surrounded by people you trust. Consider having a sober guide present to assist you if needed. And make sure to know about and test the quality of the psychedelic you plan to take. Think of it as preparing for a hike – the right gear sets you up for a successful trip. 

Psychedelic experience 

As you enter the psychedelic experience, check in with yourself to ensure it’s the right time for this journey. Do you feel physically and mentally stable and at ease enough to embark on this trip or are you perhaps very stressed because there’s a lot going on in your life. You’re doing this for you, so you decide if it’s the right time or not. 

When you’re on the trip, surrender to the experience, let go of expectations and allow the psychedelic to guide you. Just like in life, things flow most gently when you don’t resist what is. Keep your intentions and questions in mind, allowing them to lead you through the experience. 

During the journey, it’s important to stay present and open to whatever arises. If things get challenging, remember to breathe, stay grounded, and reach out to your guide for support. If possible, remind yourself that it’s only temporary. Embrace any challenging emotions or experiences as opportunities for growth and healing. Surrendering to the experience can lead to profound insights and transformation. 


You reap most benefit from your psychedelic experience if you take time to integrate your experiences after the journey. So, in you preparation also plan for integration time and don’t jump back into your daily life straight away. 

Reflect on what you’ve learned, share with others, and revisit your intentions. Think of it as unpacking your bag after a trip, sifting through the treasures you’ve brought back. By bringing these insights into your daily life, you can cultivate lasting growth and transformation. 

Ultimately, the psychedelic journey is a path of self-discovery and healing. With careful preparation, intention setting, and integration, you can navigate this journey with grace and wisdom. May your voyage be filled with wonder and growth. Safe travels.