The Alphas (flakka)
‘Flakka’ is the street name for psychoactive substances such as α-PVP, alfa-PiHP, and a-PHP. These designer drugs belong to the category of cathinones. The effects of alpha, including increased alertness and euphoria, make the substance comparable to crystal meth or cocaine.

use and distribution
Alpha is primarily smoked and is common in West Brabant and Zeeland. Users face severe physical and mental health issues, including weight loss, lung damage, and psychosis.
marginalization and access to care
Alpha users were often already marginalized, and the use of alpha has worsened their situation. People face homelessness, employment/income issues, and relationship problems. The local community also experiences significant disturbances from people using alpha. Simultaneously, local care and social services struggle with significant challenges, such as dealing with unpredictable behavior.
action research
Mainline is starting an action research project to help find solutions. The research focuses on:
- Identifying user groups and their needs for shelter and care.
- Short- and long-term prevention and harm reduction.
- Analysis of current care offerings and solutions from a harm reduction perspective.
- Initiatives to reduce pressure on police and law enforcement.
- Developments on the supply side of the alpha market.
The research combines field observations with interviews with users and stakeholders. We do this in close collaboration with regional partners such as Novadic-Kentron, the Salvation Army, and Emergis.
expected outcomes
The results of the action research will be compiled into a practical report with concrete recommendations for the involved parties, aimed at finding an effective response to alpha use in the region.
The research starts in August/September 2024, and the final report is expected in December 2024.
Voor meer informatie over het project kunt u contact opnemen met projectleider Machteld Busz.