Love Alliance
Mainline is a partner in the Love Alliance programme. The Love Alliance brings together organisations led by communities most affected by HIV and AIDS in Burkina Faso, Burundi, Egypt, Kenya, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda, Zimbabwe.

A database of key drug policy & harm reduction indicators in 10 selected AFRICAN countries
From all over Africa, experts (GALZ, SANPUD, Sisonke), grant providers (UHAI, ISDAO, GNP+ and Arasa) have joined forces. Aidsfonds has the Dutch administrative leadership. The Love Alliance will work to improve the health and rights of sex workers, drug users, LGBTIQ + people and people living with HIV in Africa. Together we are working to significantly reduce HIV infections by lobbying, bringing communities together and raising awareness about rights and health in ten countries.
Harm reduction and drug policy database
The programme kicked-off in 2021 and runs up to and including 2026. In 2021 and 2022 Mainline partnered with SANPUD: the South African Network of People who Use Drugs. One of our key activities was to design a database with relevant information about drug use, harm reduction and drug policy in all the 10 Love Alliance priority countries. On the right you can find the country policy briefs that are based on this dataset. The database can be used by all Love Alliance grantees to advocate and can support fund raising activities.
Strategic partnership
In addition to the database, Mainline also developed elaborate blended learning courses: one on harm reduction and one on implementing community-led assessments. In 2023 we will work with three community partners from the drug field to assess a situation, monitor a service or understand the needs of a specific (sub-) group of people who use drugs. The community partner is in full control over each step of the process and Mainline offers support through its online learning platform and during live sessions in between each module.
Feel free to contact us at any time about this project by sending an email to Ancella Voets.