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Love Alliance Harare, Zimbabwe

Mainliners Ancella and Ingrid recently participated in the Love Alliance initiative in Harare, Zimbabwe, marking a significant milestone in the development of the community assessment e-course. This project sought to equip Love Alliance partners with the knowledge and tools essential for conducting effective community assessments. 

Three selected Love Alliance partners engaged in the first six modules of the course and convened in Harare for an intensive ‘crunch week.’ During this collaborative session, facilitated by Mainline, the partners reviewed and consolidated their learning. Mainline provided valuable assistance by refreshing their knowledge, offering further explanations, and providing guidance. 

A pivotal outcome of this trip was the formulation of comprehensive assessment plans. Each partner brought their initial plans to the table, which were revised during the meeting. This collective effort led to the creation of customized data collection tools tailored to the specific needs of each partner. 

Currently, partners are actively engaged in the practical application of their knowledge, undertaking data collection in their respective communities. The ultimate objective is to analyze and report on this data in a format chosen by each partner. To facilitate this phase, the remaining modules of the e-course offer additional guidance and resources. 

Partners & projects undertaken

  1. DAPHO from Nigeria: Allocated co-funding from the Global Fund for a substantial assessment in Gombe State, focusing on injection wounds. 
  2. CRC from South Africa: Undertaking a project addressing drug use among youth in Durban. 
  3. ZCLDN and AWA from Zimbabwe: Collaboratively researching harm reduction intervention needs among youth, including young sex workers, who use drugs. 

This collective effort within the Love Alliance project reflects a commitment to addressing critical community issues through collaborative research and practical interventions.


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