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Knowledge & Learning

Mainline offers online and offline learning programmes, specially tailored to meet your organisation's learning needs. Mainline's learning paths are practical, realistic and always based on our years of experience in the field. Each training course can be adapted to the needs of your organisation. Elements from different training courses can be combined, we can develop a customised learning plan, or provide a stand-alone training on a specific topic.


We start with an inventory of the current level of knowledge and explore what is encountered in the work. We prefer to do this with the people who will actually attend the training. This helps to understand what the learning needs are. Based on these findings, we put together a tailor-made learning plan.


Mainline offers a wide range of interactive training options. Face-to-face training, online coaching, self-study courses or a blended form. You can immediately apply what you learn in practice. It is also possible to do coaching on the job, reflecting directly on dynamics and communication.


After the learning phase, Mainline measures the impact. Because we believe it is important that the knowledge gained is well embedded. What changes have been made and how are the newly acquired skills put into practice? We ensure that the lessons learned are integrated into the way of working, so that repetition and refreshment are less necessary. In this way, we efficiently and effectively build the long-term growth of your team.

Training: overdose prevention

With this training, you will learn how to deal effectively with an overdose. With practical information and valuable tips.
  • Practical basic training
  • Tools to recognise and prevent overdose
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Training: GHB in social care

The training increases your knowledge about GHB and provides practical tools to deal with people using GHB in social care...
  • Up-to-date knowledge on GHB
  • Reflections on your own position
  • Overdose prevention
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Training: making contact

Training on how to make contact with people who use drugs. Learn various communication techniques and enter the conversation confidently.
  • Practical basic training
  • Understand someone who uses
  • Various contact methods
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